
Boris Charmatz – Flip Book | The Tanks


Babel Bled – A performance by Mani A. Mungai at the Jeu de Paume


the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in NYC, USA

Mani doing a performance @ the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in NYC, USA. With Boris Charmatz. The piece was called “Flip Book, about photos of a book on 50 years of Merce Cunningham in a book with only pictures, on and of stage.

Gnaoua traditional/trance music 

Mani alongside with the choreographer on his right, two tot her dancer on the choreographer’s right, plus two musicians on the two extremes (Gnaoua traditional/trance music during the applause of the piece entitled “O.MORE” in Paris, FRANCE.

Tate Modern in Longon, UK,

Mani performing a solo at the Tate Modern in Longond, UK, called “Levée des conflits” by Boris Charmatz who is now the director of TanzTheater Wuppertal in Germany.

art gallery in Lorient, France

Mani performing in an art gallery in Lorient, France on the subject of performance in relation to visual art.

“Shamba cafe” advertisement

In this picture- Mani tries to strike a pose for an advertisement during the Covid times, to advertise for dance classes alongside Aleema which took place at the “Shamba cafe” in Lower Kabete.

teaching Cuban Salsa in Kenya

Mani teaching Cuban Salsa in Kenya before he left for France and now that he is back. Dance has always been a way to communicate, release dopamine, serotine endorphins and oxytocine. A healing in a graceful way.

“Flip Book” by Boris Charmatz billboard

The publicity boards at and near the Tate Modern in London - UK, on “Flip Book” by Boris Charmatz.

“To Be Or Not To Be”

One of Mani’s own contemporary dance pieces “To Be Or Not To Be”. He worked as a choreographer and dancer in France from 2006, making 6 pieces. This was the last creation in 2016.

“The letter” 

“The letter” choreographed by Mani in 2014. Alongside working with a TapeArtist 1Felix Rodewadlt from Munich-Germany as the scenographer.

Mani performing with Asha Thomas in Rennes-France.

Under the umbrella of performances by Boris Charmatz for the outdoors spaces, Mani performing with Asha Thomas in Rennes-France.